It is with bittersweet feelings that I am announcing the closing of The Tipsy Kitchen. A decision I have not taken lightly, however an opportunity has arisen for myself personally and amongst other factors, it’s now time for me to take a step in a different direction.
I started TK in the midst of a pandemic, a very strange period for all, and I was blown away by the response for our meals and services. Since then, we have moved kitchens, launched our subscription based service and sold our meals in 6 wonderful retailers and shops.
The past 2 and a half years have been the most exciting, busiest and brilliant 2 years and I cannot thank every single one of you more than enough for the constant ordering, wonderful feedback and general support for my little business.
2023 has seen a shift in consumer spending, a cost of living crisis and an increase in prices for supplies, overheads and generally across the board spending, making this industry with already tight margins, even tighter. Despite, this not being the sole reason for the closure of TK, can I please remind everyone to continue to shop locally and support those small businesses where you can - we’ve seen first hand how important it is, and how hard small teams like ourselves work just to sometimes not even break even.
As one (fridge) door shuts, another one opens and I’m excited for my next chapter after the most wonderful 2 years.
We are of course fulfilling all orders already placed but will not be taking any more going forward.
Thank you again for being hungry, (lazy 🤪) and generally top TK customers.
Holly and all of the TK team x 💕
Sign up to our subscription meal plans today for home-cooked and nutritious meals delivered to your door on a weekly basis.
"The food is always delicious with amazing service! Would highly recommend for all occasions!"
"The idea of bringing home-cooked food straight to the table, without the hassle of the prep beforehand is perfect for us!"
Find out more about The Tipsy Kitchen and the motivation behind it here.
The Healthy Shelf range offers a selection of well-balanced meals for the budding athletes and gym bunnies among you.